2022-05: Rubloff group members present at the MRS Spring Meeting in
2020-09: $2.25M DOE-BES Project Awarded“Thin Film Platforms to Advance Scientific Frontiers in Solid State Energy Storage” is a 3-year project approved from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Science (BES) through its materials chemistry program. The research will be conducted by Rubloff group and UMD faculty members. Prof. Rubloff is the principal investigator on the project. Paul Albertus (ChBE Asst Professor and MEI2 Associate Director), Sang Bok Lee (Chem/Biochem Professor and NanoCenter Director) and A. Alec Talin (MSE Adjunct Professor and distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Lab) will serve as co-investigators. |
2020-04: Congrats to Blake for publishing his first paper in the group!Blake’s paper, “Atomic Layer Deposition of Sodium Phosphorus Oxynitride: a Conformal Solid-State Sodium-ion Conudctor” was published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. |
2020-03: $18.4M U.S.-Israel Energy Center Project AwardedThe Rubloff group along with collaborating UMD faculty members have been selected to lead the U.S. side of a $18.4M, five-year program, awarded by the U.S.-Israel Energy Center, and managed by the Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation, to conduct research, development, and commercialization of innovative energy technologies in the fossil energy, energy storage and energy-water nexus sectors. Collaborating UMD faculty members include Paul Albertus (ChBE Assistant Professor, MEI2 Associate Director, and lead Principal Investigator) and co-PI’s Eric Wachsman (MSE/ChBE Professor, MEI2 Director), Sang Bok Lee (Chem/Biochem Associate Professor, UMD NanoCenter Director), and Gary Rubloff (MSE/ISR Professor). |
2020-03: Congrats to Haotian for publishing his first paper in the group!Haotian’s paper, “Li-Containing Organic Thin Film – Structure of Lithium Propane Dioxide via Molecular Layer Deposition” was published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. |
2019-12: Emily Hitz recognized as a leading early career researcherEmily Hitz was named by Nature as one of five leading early career researchers in materials science |
2019-10: Rubloff group members present at the AVS 66th International Symposium in Columbus, OhioAngelique presented an oral talk titled “Structural Rearrangement in LixV2O5 Thin Films, a Cathode Material for All-solid-state Batteries” Blake presented an oral talk titled “Atomic Layer Deposition and Performance of Sodium and Potassium Electrolytes for Conformal Solid State Batteries” Haotian presented an oral talk titled “Molecular Layer Deposition of Organic Li-containing Thin Film for Li Ion Solid-state Batteries“ |
What Stress Means for Batteries
2019-02: Davy Stewart has published an article “What Stress Means for Batteries” in the EFRC Newsletter “Frontiers in Energy Research”. It highlights NEES research led by Janice Reutt-Robey and Jonathan Larson to develop a new scanning probe microscopy tool “pascalammetry” for relating local mechanical properties and electrochemical response.
Keynote presentation by Dr. Rubloff at IEEE Nano in Ireland
2018-07-23: Prof. Rubloff presented a keynote address “From Nanostructures to Mesoscale Architectures: Electrochemical Storage for Smart Things” at IEEE Nano in Cork, Ireland, the IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology. The presentation describes UMD and NEES research in 3D solid state batteries enabled by thin film synthesis approaches and aimed at Internet-of-Things and related small devices and systems.
Meet a Better Battery: All Solid Materials Facilitate Safer Energy Storage
2018-09: Emily Sahadeo published an article “Meet a Better Battery: All Solid Materials Facilitate Safer Energy Storage” in the EFRC Newsletter “Frontiers in Energy Research”. It features recent 3D solid state battery research by Alex Pearse, Davy Stewart, Keith Gregorczyk, and others as a central thrust in NEES’ leadership in 3D nano/micro scale batteries.
New article quotes Dr. Rubloff
2011-08-01: Prof. Rubloff was quoted in Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) in an article about the rapidly broadening applications of atomic layer deposition (ALD). The Rubloff group has been using ALD in different applications in energy storage, electronics, and biomaterials, particularly in employing ALD to construct nanoscale structures.